I went to the Monee Reservoir this morning for a couple hours. I was planning on fishing the shoreline for a little bit before the rain hit, but the rain looked like it was going to hold off for longer than I originally expected so I rented a boat. On the way into the parking lot, a buck almost ran right into my truck. He crossed the street and was across the field in no time flat.

There were already several boats out by the time I got on the water. The sun that was barely visible by the time I got there was becoming more obscured by clouds with each passing minute. I have no idea what the water temp was but I’m guessing the upper 70s. There was also some algae bloom visible.

Lily Pads
I noticed more Bullfrogs this time out than what I’ve seen there for the past few years. That’s a great sign.
I started out by catching a real nice fish. It hit a crank bait that broke on the next cast. The front of it was cracked and it split in half.

4.5 lb Largemouth Bass

I saw a guy catch a nice Bass on the other side of the section I was fishing (same guy who took a couple pictures of the big fish for me – Thanks!). Shortly after that I tied into a good one on a plastic worm. I thought it might have been a big catfish by the way it was fighting. It made several powerful runs and was probably one of the strongest Largemouth Bass I’ve ever fought. When I saw it I was really wishing I would have brought the net that I have specifically for fishing that place.
6 lb or better Largemouth Bass
I got the fish to the boat and was able to lip it on the first attempt. After a few photos, I lowered it back into the water and it took off with a splash of its tail fin. I got the brunt of it right in my face too. That was ok though because it let me know the fish was no worse for the wear and tear I put on him.

Released to fight another day
I took a few more casts and realized it was time to turn the boat back in. Perfect timing too as the rain was just starting.